Common Egg Donor Myths


In today’s word, social media and other websites are a very good source of spreading information. However, there are a lot of myths spreading continually and if not having a correct information, it becomes really complicated to distinguish between truth and fiction. Field of fertility and especially egg donation is no exception. So, what are the most common myths?

Everyone can become an egg donor
Not everyone can become an egg donor. In fact, it is complicated to become an egg donor. There is a huge number of criterias that a future donor has to fulfil. First of all, there is an age range of 21-30 years. Egg donor must have a very good overall health and to ensure this, her medical history will be studied very carefully. The body mass index of a donor should be in a normal range, her appearance also plays a role as intended parents will always want the best for their children. Egg donors are tested for numerous genetic diseases, infections and conditions. Their reproductive systems should be proven good. Mental health and lifestyle habits of a donor are observed very carefully. Additionally, donors are expected to have philanthropic rather than monetary interests only.
Good agencies are in charge of strictly controlling all of the above mentioned factors and choosing only the candidates who are a perfect match for the egg donation procedure.

Donating affects donor’s fertility
Many donors are falsely informed that donating can affect their fertility. A lot of patients also feel uncomfortable and guilty about that fact. Actually this is not close to the truth.
The chance of experiencing any complications / infections after the procedure that will affect future fertility is very low. Losing an egg supply is not even an issue. Throughout their lives, as they age, women lose a significant amount of eggs. This is a natural process. The amount of eggs retrieved for the donation is definitely of no threat to the future plans of an egg donor.

Only women above certain age need donors
A lot of people think that because biological clock ticks for women and age plays a huge role, only women above the certain age will need eggs from a younger donor. This is an absolute misunderstanding of the idea and purpose of egg donation. There are a number of females in their reproductive age who are struggling with infertility and various conditions. Some of them may have genetic diseases that could be transmitted to the baby. The reasons of using an egg donor are numerous. Additionally, do not forget about same sex couples who will not be able to have biological children without a help of an egg donor.

Anonymous egg donation is not trustful
As already mentioned above, professional agencies perform a huge number of tests and examinations before having an egg donor in their database. Anonymous egg donation means that intended parents are not going to keep in touch with the donor. This is a very natural desire from the patients. They will know absolutely everything about their donor, including physical features. They will always be able do express interest and double check the health of their donor. Parents and egg donor are just not going to be familiar with each other and will not communicate in real life. Anonymous egg donation is sometimes a very comfortable solution for both parties, especially when having no intention to stay in touch.

Donating is a painful procedure
Egg retrieval is relatively easy and painless. Egg donors only need a very light sedation just in case to avoid any kind of discomfort after the procedure. The process will usually last no longer than 30 minutes but egg donors will stay at the clinic for several more hours and receive a good care and attention from the doctor.