Complication of Uterus Tonus During the Surrogacy Pregnancy


The symptom of the tone of the uterine during pregnancy is one of the most unpleasant things for a woman that gives her maximum discomfort.

This is one syndrome that comes out only after proper diagnosis. Hence, it is utmost necessary to review the health of the surrogates for us to determine the position and health of the baby at regular intervals. Our gynaecologists inspect the position of the baby and the surrogate’s health condition. Normally the surrogate is not aware of this complication in case she is suffering from it.

The Tone of the Uterus

Women suffering from the tone of the uterus during their pregnancies are actually affected by straining of the uterus muscle. You might have heard of the term “hypertonicity”, which is an alternate word used for the same syndrome.

The uterus remains relaxed normally. It seeks an immediate medical attention in case this condition is identified. The tone of the uterus can be one cause of miscarriage. In several cases, it becomes the reason for premature childbirth. It generally happens if the syndrome is detected at a later stage of the pregnancy. Increase in the uterine tone can be controlled if it is timely diagnosed. Proper treatment and rest are beneficial in controlling the adverse consequences of this syndrome.

Symptoms of Uterine Tone

The usual symptoms of uterine tone are only felt by the surrogate. Her discomfort level increases in the abdomen due to the frequent manifestation of hypertonicity. This discomfort is similar to the menstrual pain that women undergo sometimes.

It is important to mention this discomfort to the gynaecologist the moment it is felt. Rightly prescribed treatment at the right time preserves and prolongs the pregnancy.

Symptoms of uterine tone are mostly clinically confirmed. The gynaecologist carries out a detailed vaginal examination for this to ascertain the level of tone. They palpate the abdomen to further inspect the position of the baby.

The consistency of the uterus usually turns to be similar to a stone if the uterine tone is diagnosed. The same observation is found by executing two-handed vaginal examination. The contraction of the uterine muscle confirms the occurrence of the syndrome.

The first step to being taken after such diagnosis is to determine the position of the baby inside the womb. The baby experiences pressure due to such contraction. Our first objective remains to secure the life of the baby. As a surrogacy agency, our first duty is to inform the intended parents regarding the status of the pregnancy. In case the intended parents are in a different country, we communicate with them digitally to instantly update them on the situation.

Specialist gynaecologists determine the next course of action. Additional research is required to ascertain the medical procedures correctly. Both the surrogate and the baby are important for us. We leave no stone unturned to assure the health of the surrogate and the baby.

Causes of Uterine Tone

There can be many reasons for uterine tone during pregnancy. In fact, the reasons differ from one woman to another. The primary causes of uterine tone are:

  1. Lack of sleep – During the pregnancy period, most women suffers from sleeplessness. This is majorly due to the hormonal changes of the body during this time. The stress and anxiety also cause lack of sleep in many pregnant women.

  2. Stress – Stress is another major reason for the uterine tone in women. Surrogates go through a lot of stress due to the responsibility they carry. Their body goes through several medicines to be properly able to carry the child in their wombs. This causes stress and anxiety, which are vital reasons for uterine tone.

  3. Increased physical activity – It is highly recommended to the surrogates to take ample rest during the gestation. In case they get involved in physical activities, they tend to grow uterine tone.

  4. Age factor – Pregnancy below the age of 18 or above the age of 35 can be affected by this typical syndrome. In such cases, the uterus is not properly ready to carry the pregnancy.

  5. Smoking or drinking during pregnancy – Consumption of alcohol or smoking during pregnancy can give rise to uterine tone. Surrogates with New Life are however signed in contract to not consume any of such substances while they are carrying someone else’s child in their womb.

  6. Lack of progesterone – Lack of progesterone hormone also causes a decrease in uterus muscle tension during pregnancy and leads to uterine tone. It can also lead to a miscarriage if not attended timely.

The tone of the uterus occurs in some women during their second trimester. It is caused due to varied inflammatory tumour diseases.

Prevention of Uterine Tone

The tone of the uterus that occurs during the gestational period needs to be immediately controlled to avoid miscarriage or premature birth. Hence, it is immensely important to get in touch with the gynaecologist. Regular gynaecologist visit is prescribed during the pregnancy period for the very same reason. It helps in discovering any abnormalities early and thus the pregnancy can be saved. Otherwise, it often leads to miscarriage or premature childbirth.

It is important to get a lot of rest during pregnancy. Heavy physical activities are strictly prohibited during this time. We recommend yoga during this time to release the muscle stress.

The pregnant woman needs to eat fresh fruits and include a lot of vegetables in her diet to get the required vitamins. Healthy eating and light mood is essential for the health of the surrogate as well as the baby.

Treatment of Uterine Tone

Complete bed rest is prescribed to the surrogate after the diagnosis.

Relaxation and sedation is the key to recover from this syndrome. Herbal sedatives are mostly used for this purpose. Motherwort, valerian and herbal tea are given to soothe the surrogate mother. Bed-rest allows the body to overcome the damages caused to the uterus.

A quiet life is important at this time. The woman is advised to keep herself away from all negativity and engage in positive thoughts. This helps the recovery process.

In case rest and sedatives are not of much help, the surrogate needs to be given stronger medicines. Antispasmodics or miotropy are usually given to relax the muscles and get the sedative effect. Medicines are carefully selected by gynaecologists during this time so that there is no adverse effect on the fetus.

Use of papaverine may sometimes bring negative effects on the surrogate and the fetus if she is in her early twenties. Hence, all medicines are chosen after considering all the basic criteria.

Often papaverine is applied in rectal suppositories for three times a day. This helps the quick recovery of the surrogate if the uterine tone in the last term of pregnancy.

The objective of the entire medical procedure is to control causes of miscarriage or premature childbirth. The contracted muscles of the uterus usually tend to push the child before the scheduled time. This can lead to miscarriage and even premature childbirth. Medical attempts are taken to control the situation and assure the health of the surrogate and the baby.