Egg Donation Tips for Intended Parents
BackPeople who may choose or require to use an egg donor:
- Single men
- Gay couples
- Women whose ovaries do not produce eggs
- Women who have had multiple IVF failures
- Women with other difficulties becoming pregnant. For a list of conditions which would put you in a position to choose egg donation, the Fertility Network can assist you in making the decision.
Selecting an egg donor:
Those seeking an egg donor have two choices: a clinic donor, or an agency donor.
With an agency donor, although it is more expensive, you are able to choose the specifics of the woman, and she will travel to the clinic of your preference. You are also given her full details, including personal and family medical history. This is option is preferable for those who may wish to contact the egg donor at a later date if the parent or child chooses to meet the donor.
A clinic donor is recruited by the agency and is typically the more affordable choice. Her medical costs are covered by the clinic. She could be either new, meaning she has an unknown history of establishing a pregnancy, or proven, meaning she has children of her own or has established pregnancies with her eggs through the clinic in the past.
You will also have the choice between a known and unknown donor. With the former, you are able to select the woman. With the latter, she is anonymously chosen and her identity and details are legally withheld from you, however she will be selected based on your chosen criteria of height, weight, and other physical preferences.
Donors are screened for sexually transmitted infections, or other conditions which may affect pregnancy, as well as any genetic conditions which may not be compatible with yours or your partner’s genetics.
Look for transparency of compensation. The agency will cover all of the cost of a donation, from travel to medical, so ensure the agency you work with is open about all of these details. If you are a client seeking out an agency from which to receive eggs, make sure the agency properly compensates their donors.
Learn about the procedure itself. The medical component of such a procedure will vary depending on the location of the agency and health of the donor. If you are a donor, be sure you know what you’re getting yourself into, and if you’re a client, ensure you know the scans and procedures your potential donors are experiencing so you have a fuller picture of their medical conditions.
If you have any questions about what’s listed above, New Life Egg Donor Agency is happy to help.
Get excited! Egg donation is a beautiful thing and can lead to beautiful babies to complete families, so do your due diligence, and then get excited for the journey ahead.